Monday 5 October 2015

Halloween Series #2: Shattered Skin

Hey everyone,

Today it's Halloween Series post #2! I've tried to create a look that makes it seem as though my face has been shattered. Inspired by my friend, Sara, who recently shattered her iPhone (sorry). Thanks for inspiring dude! Hope you enjoy!! 

I kept the base really simple for this look with no extra colour other than my foundation.

I used a black eyeliner to create a central point on my forehead and then I went from there. 

I went over the black liner with some matte eyeshadow and tried to highlight with some white liner, but to be honest I liked it better with no highlight. I really love how it turned out, and I think after some practice it's quite a simple look to recreate with makeup most people will already have.

Here's the before and after shot!

Thanks for reading!


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