Wednesday 3 December 2014

My Toronto IMATS Experience

Hey everyone,

Today I'm going to be talking about my Toronto IMATS experience. I previously went to the Toronto IMATS in 2012 and skipped last year, so this was my second IMATS and first IMATS at the Toronto Convention Centre downtown. At the previous IMATS I had a great time, it wasn't as busy as this year, and it seemed as though there were more vendors. This year, it was incredibly busy. We arrived at around 9:30 or so- so although we were there a little bit after opening, it was still very early.

Compared to the last IMATS I attended, I found this one to be very stressful. I sometimes get a bit anxious in crowds and things like that, and I found that I did get some anxiety while shopping. It was a nightmare to even look at products at some stands, and I know my friend Jess really wanted to buy some things but couldn't even get served because it was so busy. Anyway, I actually only bought items from 3 stands, MakeUpForEver, Beauty Blender and Real Techniques.

MakeUpForEver had an insane amount of people in line, you basically had to order what you wanted on a piece of paper and then wait to pay. I only purchased a foundation, but I had to wait an hour and a half to pay which was insane. I wish they had found a better way to organize it all- but I realize that it's a great discount (30% I believe) so it was worth it.
My friend Jess got the Beauty Blender's while I waited at MUFE, so I'm not sure exactly which stand she purchased them from, but it was $28.00 for a pack of two.
Finally, I repurchased an Expert Face Brush and Powder Brush from Real Techniques and they were $10.00 each.
 The IMATS stamp (no wristband!) and my little owl, Oscar.
 Meeting the Pixiwoo sisters was a huge highlight of my trip! Sam and Nic were so nice, gave me double hugs for being from Norwich and were just the same as you see them on YouTube. They are some of my favourite makeup artists to watch, and I absolutely loved meeting them!
 I also met a werewolf who looked awesome! He was super nice and I'm glad he let me take a picture with him!
This is just a small amount of madness that was going on in the convention centre.

Despite the crowds, it's really nice experiencing a room full of makeup lovers such as myself. There were some great deals and a great atmosphere- no doubt I will be attending in 2015!

Thanks for reading,

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