Wednesday 10 December 2014

Eyelash Extensions: First Impressions

Hey everyone,

On Monday I decided to take the plunge and go out for some eyelash extensions! Something I hadn't considered much before, but thought the holiday season would be a perfect time to try them out. I went to see my lovely friend, Cathy, who I previously worked with. She did the treatment out of her lovely home, and to be honest, I'd rather lay with someone I know for almost three hours than at a salon with a stranger. There wouldn't be much to talk about!
 Before: I feel as though my lashes were okay, for a blonde they are quite dark which is nice, but the lashes themselves are very fine, although there are a lot of them. They aren't super long or curled, which is why I thought I'd try the treatment.
 My good eye!
 My not so good eye.
 Suddenly I had long, luscious lashes!
And here's a shot looking down, you can see how well they blend in and how seamless they look!

Overall, so far I've been very impressed. They feel like nothing on my lashes, they are very light and comfortable. The application wasn't a hugely comfortable experience, but you get to lay down for 2 and a half hours so I can't complain. Other then my eyelids getting stuck to the collagen pad under my eye at the end, it was completely pain-free! I noticed last night that my eyes were quite sore- due to application I presume- but today they feel much better, and back to normal!

I hope you enjoyed this post, I will do some further updates with makeup and keep you informed on the fall out and how they look in a week or so! 
Thanks for reading!


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