Wednesday 16 July 2014

Taking A Day Off Of Eyeliner

Hey everyone,

I love wearing liquid eyeliner. The darkest black shade, with a cat-eye flick and lots of lashes, but I've been working so much recently I figured I'd skip my eyelining step and move straight onto eyelash curlers and some serious mascara. I layered Dior's "It-Lash" and Tarte's "Lights, Camera, Splashes" mascaras to give me lots of length, volume, curl and waterproof staying power. Here is how things worked out...
 Firstly, I think the bold brow and lash look is actually quite flattering.
 Layering the mascaras gave me lots of length.
 As you can see...
And I think it really framed my eyes without being too overpowering or makeup-y. 

I can't say I'm a total convert, but I think on good skin, BB cream days I will skip the liner and go straight onto some lashes! 
What do you think? Liner or lashes? Let me know!!

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