Monday 14 July 2014

My First Tattoo

Hey everyone,

I know this post will be a little off topic, but since a tattoo is a change in appearance and is something you add to your body to make yourself look/feel better I think I can get away with posting about this.

I've wanted an owl tattoo for a very long time now. I've considered it and drawn owls here and there since about grade 9 (5/6 years ago) but I never really planned anything out too seriously. A few weeks ago I contacted my friend Melinda and we decided we would just go out and get it done, so that's exactly what happened. 

My tattoo artist was Iris Art from Stratford, ON. I think she did an awesome job, she made sure everything was clean, that I was comfortable and made sure I felt 100% before actually getting in the chair. I liked how honest she was, she made it clear that taking care of your tattoo after it's done is super important, and even let me know of rare risks that could happen (but luckily didn't). 

 Here is the owl I drew up and the one I decided to go with.
 I promise I'm not grimacing here, just on the verge of laughing actually.
And the result right after it was finished. I also realized how annoying it was that I didn't have a fresh mani to match the new tattoo, but quickly painted my nails when I got home!
 Here's my little buddy after 6 hours of being bandaged.
 The best solution for dry, peeling, itchy tattoo healing... "Tattoo Goo".
 It smelled incredible, it has a slight olive oil scent but I really liked it. It absorbed relatively quickly and kept the tattoo looking new and moisturized.
And here is a nice little after shot to show you how well it's healing. I love him so much, I think he's such a cute little guy and everytime I see him I get all excited. He has faded a little more now (in a good way) and you can see the individual feathers and detail a little clearly, plus it doesn't look so much like a drawing and more like an actual tattoo. I hope you guys like it and don't mind this little update.

Have a great day!

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