Friday 20 June 2014

My YouTube Debut

Hey everyone,

So it's pretty crazy, but I've reached 10,000 views which means I started a YouTube channel. I actually did this a while back, because I wasn't too sure if I wanted to film a video or not, and also because I thought I might want to take it down. Now I'm finally writing this post which means I no longer care about how I looked or felt at the time, and I'm sharing it with all of you.
Here we goooooo....
Pretty embarrassing, but I hope you all like it!
 Here's a shot of the finished makeup
And a little close-up of the eyes.

Then of course, I posted another one. After all, it took a while to get to 10,000 and I may as well try editing a little bit!
Drugstore Makeup Tutorial

And then there was another one:
My evening shower routine.

Of course my lighting, setup and camera is not very good, but I've been working really hard and I think I'm going to aim to film one video every week and continue blogging every other day as usual!

Thanks so much for reading my blog, I appreciate it so so very much!!
Have a great day!!!

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