Saturday 17 May 2014

FOTD 5: Passport Mugshot

Hey everyone,

So in March I got my official Canadian citizenship! I'm pretty excited about being a duel-citizen and now that I'm Canadian I can apply for a passport. I already have a UK passport, but I live quite close to the US border and going over to the states for a shopping trip or to visit friends is a bit of a hassle with a UK passport and much easier with a Canadian one. But anyway, I'm rambling. Today I got my passport picture taken which is kind of terrifying, because the next time I get a passport picture taken I'll be 30 years old. Thirty?!?! So I figured I should make this picture a good one.

I used all of my favourite products, tried to keep it natural and timeless (at least decent enough for 10 years) so I opted out of a red lip or crazy winged eyeliner.
 I decided to keep my base pretty regular, a little sweep of bronzer and pale pink blush.
 I wanted a neutral eye, 'natural' but filled in brows and a nice pink lip.
 I only used matte shadows on my eyelids and didn't extend my eyeliner too much.
 I chose my favourite pink lipstick and topped it off with a tiny bit of gloss.
 Here's a half-face shot showing a close up of how everything looked.
 This is me about 8 hours later. Foundation stayed in place, I didn't look too shiny and it remained quite a natural makeup look.
 However.... still a mugshot. Goddamn it. 
The moral of the story is "no matter how much you plan ahead or stay up dreading turning thirty, a passport picture will always be terrible, and no amount of cosmetics will make up for sitting in an uncomfortable stool and pretending not to panic while a teenage employee takes your picture and reminds you that smiling is strictly prohibited." 

Ugh. It was worth a try. 
Have a great day!

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