Friday 18 April 2014

My Go-To Wavy Hairstyle Routine

Hey everyone!

Don't get me wrong, I'm a makeup lover more than a skincare, haircare, nail care or body care lover. However, having healthy hair, nails and skin really allows makeup to enhance your features, not cover them up so I find taking the time to jazz up my entire cosmetics routine really pays off.
Today I'm featuring a hair style tutorial which is pretty unlike me and I doubt it'll happen often. I figure I should update you with my hair type so you understand how my hair behaves, adapts to products and lasts throughout the day. My hair is pretty normal in texture, it's not curly or straight, a little wavy but nothing crazy. It's almost at 'mermaid status' which I invented, meaning it's not quite the length of my boobs. When it gets that long I'm officially a mermaid. Anyway, it's pretty dead on the ends but it isn't too noticeable since I've used sulphate-free hair products for almost two years now. I've never fully dyed my hair, I got some highlights in about grade 10 (4/5 years ago) but they've pretty much grown out, leaving me with my natural dirty blonde hair. It gets more bleached in the summer but the under layers are quite dark, almost brown.
So that's a brief description of what I'm dealing with... now onto the tutorial!
 I start off with clean, damp hair. Like I mentioned before, I only use sulphate-free shampoo and conditioner, I read an article warning against sulphates once and I was suckered in. My hairdresser said more natural products has worked well on my hair though, so that's a good sign. 
 To add some texture to my hair I use Sally Hershberger's Style Primer for wavy hair. 
 It's a mousse texture and I use one pump, rub it between my palms and add it in to the lengths of my hair, avoiding the roots.
 Sally Hershberger. I bought the product for the name by the way, but on a side note this line smells amazing!!
 Next I apply the Wave Spray from the same line. It also smells amazing, so I use quite a lot.
 This I don't mind spraying into my roots as much, because it is lighter. After I've sprayed it in, I scrunch up my hair a bit and comb it through to evenly distribute the product.
 Then I section my hair into two and begin braiding. I like to do a French braid, only I braid backwards so it's called an English braid or Spanish braid or Dutch braid or whatever. 
 Then when one side is done I move over to the other side.
 Here's a little close-up shot of the braid. Nothing too neat and tidy, I like it to be a bit messy to look more natural the next day. 
 Then once my hair is braided I sleep on it and take them out in the morning. Generally when I wake up like this my boyfriend tells me I look like a lion, but I promise the mane dies down throughout the day.
Here's an action shot of me rocking the mane, as you can see it's quite tight waves here, but like I said they do die down.
Bonus! The hairstyle really lasts... here it is right out of the braids!
And the next day after brushing it out a little with my fingers

Hopefully you liked a hairstyling post, let me know if you want to see more! 

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