Wednesday 2 April 2014

Maybelline #PUMPEDUP Event

Hey everyone!

On Friday, March 21st, some friends and I went to the Eaton Centre Mall in Toronto. When we got there I saw a Maybelline event going on, so of course I went to check it out. It was a really cool concept to promote their new mascara which launches in Canada on April 1st.

Basically, there was a vending machine and if you tweeted @MaybellineCAN and used the hashtag #PUMPEDUP, plus a code they give you, a freebie pops out of the vending machine and you have a chance to pick up the new mascara before it goes on sale. There was also a makeup artist there who gave me and my friends a touch up, and also some photographers. They took our picture when we were finished and emailed them to us. It was a cool little event, and a great way to promote a new mascara!
 They took individual shots and then very nicely asked if we'd want a group shot. 
Here we are for the group shot.
I think it was a really nice idea to have a makeup artist at the event. She was a lovely lady who had a selection of lots of new Maybelline releases and knew lots about the products.
I think at this point I was telling her about my blog which is pretty embarrassing, but she seemed interested and told me about her own interests when it came to makeup.

I got a nail polish in the vending machine, which I was totally disappointed by, because they also had colour elixrs (which I love) and the new mascara which would have been awesome to review! It was still nice to get free product however. If you see this Maybelline set up around, I'd really recommend going to check it out! You could be in for the chance to win a new mascara, colour elixr or nail polish!

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