Sunday 19 January 2014

Montagne Jeunesse Face Mask Review

I got this facemask in my stocking at Christmas, and I think a facemask is a great way to feel like you've sort of pampered your skin a bit. It's just a little sachet facemask, you can get similar ones at drugstores everywhere, this particular one is by Montagne Jeunesse and I'm not entirely sure where my Mum picked it up (but I have a feeling it was maybe Ulta?)
Anyway, here's a little review on what I thought about the mask.
 So here is the packaging. I had the Green Tea Peel Off mask, and it looks like a clay/mud mask.
 You can imagine my confusion when it turned out to be a thick, gloopy gel like consistency. I gave it a whirl anyway, applying the glue-like substance all over my face. It was quite hard to apply because I couldn't really see where I had applied the product, and I assumed for a peel-off mask it had to be applied quite evenly.
 Eventually I figured out where it was though, because my face became so shiny it literally caught the light. Like if I turned my face near a mirror I blinded myself with the reflection.
 Thought I'd capture the questionable statement on the back of the package. Unfortunately it's no joke, the mask is particularly "juicy" (the word actually makes me uncomfortable), so much so, that my boyfriend said "Megan your face is dripping", sure enough I look up into the mirror and a drop of gloop lands on my lap. Not a selling point really.
 Favourite part of the whole process, 20 minutes of absolutely nothing. Not that I could do much, because the mask was drying quickly and I could barely open my mouth. However I think sitting up meant that the mask slid down my face, onto my jaw and that part never seemed to dry, also dripped off of my face...
One really good thing is the "no testing on animals" and "vegetarian friendly" reassurance on the back. I think all cosmetic products should have a similar stance, and it's something I look for when buying new items. 

Overall the mask did leave my face feeling quite soft and smooth, the process was something unique- certainly something I'll do when my boyfriend isn't home next time. It's a bit of a pain that the packaging is so deceiving, but I'll look past it since the mask retails for less than $2.00. 
It's a cheap way to take some time to relax, but I recommend making sure you're alone and don't mind looking like a slug for 20 minutes.

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