Sunday 19 January 2014

Clindets Acne Treatment Weeks 8 and 9

These past 2 weeks have been pretty good as far as this acne therapy goes. I've reduced my usage significantly- using it about 3 times per week. I've noticed a huge difference as far as the dry patches on my skin are concerned. My chin is still breaking out pretty regularly, it's the place I get the most acne, but I think it's under control and pretty easy to deal with as far as makeup/coverage goes.
Not having dry patches is making a noticeable difference in how my makeup looks, and for the past week and a half I've only worn BB cream. I love that my skin is moisturized, relatively acne free and all I have to worry about is the natural redness on my cheeks which can only be fixed with makeup.
I've only got 3 weeks left dealing with the treatment, but I still have one prescription refill which I intend to use just to keep on top of my acne and to prevent it from coming back. I haven't exactly stuck to the rules (using twice a day?!), so I don't know if I will have "permanent" results, but to be fair if there was really a 12 week permanent acne cure everyone would be using it.
I think I will have issues with acne on the lower half of my face for a while, but the Clindets therapy has certainly made the breakouts less aggressive and cleared the upper half of my face almost entirely. I think I will update the next 3 weeks, and also do monthly checkups after I have finished using the wipes regularly.
Let me know what you think, I'd be interested to see if anybody has used Clindets and how they review the treatment and maintenance.
Thanks for reading!

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