Monday 30 December 2013

Week 7- Clindets Acne Therapy

This week has been a rough one. I think it's a combination of eating way too much crappy food and having a few alcoholic beverages. The alcohol is incredibly drying, and although I haven't had too much to drink I know it takes it's toll on my skin. Other than this, I know the Clindet's doses might be a bit too high for my skin. I've only got 5 weeks left, and although most active breakouts have gone, I still have a great deal of redness on my skin. Alcohol is one of the first ingredients in the Clindet's pads, and it's leaving my skin very dry and it's peeling. It doesn't allow makeup to sit well on my face and just looks bad in general. I might reduce the usage from once per day to every other day in the hope that my skin can hold onto some moisture. It's almost making my skin look worse because it's so dry, and I know they said "it will get worse before it gets better", but I'm over halfway done the treatment and I think it's about time my skin looks better. The first weeks seemed to be the best because I noticed immediate results, but now it seems my skin has gone back to how it used to be, only it's a lot more dry. I know I could increase the dosage but I don't think I want to peel my face off every night. So anyway, this week has been bad. I've been using excuses such as stress, eating badly, not being hydrated enough etc. etc, but the truth is I've increased how much water I drink, I've increased the amount of moisturizer and oils I use and my skin is still dry. If anyone has any advice on what I should do, let me know. Thanks for reading, hopefully weeks 8-12 are better than the past 7.

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