Sunday 1 December 2013

Week 3- Clindets Acne Therapy

It's my third week using the Clindets Acne Therapy which means I'm a quarter done the treatment. This week I've actually had 2 breakouts and my skin seems to be getting a little worse. I've started increasing the treatment back to twice a day and see if it makes any difference. My skin isn't as dry as it was last week which is an improvement, but I've had a few pimples pop up around my chin. If it's not the Clindets fault, I think it's not unreasonable to assume they are stress related. It's almost time for essays and exams, so I've been spending a lot of time studying. I've been trying to drink a ton of water now that I'm at home and see if that helps, but so far I've continued the same routine that was working before but with less results. I think this could be the stage where things "get worse before they get better" but it does seem a bit late now that we're 3 weeks in. I'm going to keep using them, of course, and hope that my acne improves slightly this week. Can't believe it's almost been a month on them, my skin is still much better than it's ever been in the past.
Let me know if you have any questions about Clindets, thanks for reading!

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