Tuesday 3 December 2013

Sick Days

I find I always get sick at the worst times. Usually it's before an event where I want to look nice, luckily this time around it's just when I have a 4,000 word essay due. I thought (since my face is such a puffy mess) I would compile a list of things I like to use when I'm having sick days, as it's not an ideal day for a makeover.
Actually, that's first on my list. NO MAKEUP. I can't imagine anything worse than makeup on a sick day. And that's coming from a girl who loves wearing makeup. No, I haven't worn makeup since last Thursday. Almost a full week!
Here are a few products I've been loving to stop me looking like a zombie... although the bags under my eyes would beg to differ.
 Hot bubble baths. For the obvious reason that it keeps you nice and toasty. Also I've been in bed typing up essays for the past 3 days and that can make you feel pretty gross. So a bubble bath is exactly what the doctor ordered.
 Antibacterial hand soap. Especially when it smells like lemon meringue. Because I've been coughing and sneezing like crazy, and because I don't want to be coughing and sneezing for any longer than I have to.
 Water. And lots of it. I get incredibly dehydrated when I'm sick. I'm not sure if everyone does, but I'm a type 1 diabetic and I need to drink tons of water so that my skin doesn't get really dry. Also I'm pretty sure I always feel better if I've been drinking more water.
 Hand sanitizer. Because when I'm in bed and feel gross this helps me to feel a tiny bit better about my situation.
 Tissues. Soft tissues made for your face. Not paper towel. Having soft tissues have still made my nostrils look all chapped and red, but imagine what they'd be like if I had been using anything harsher?!
 Hand cream is very important to me because it makes me feel like I'm keeping up with my beauty routine even if I look horrific. Plus I know my hands and nails will thank me.
 A must for me is a hot water bottle. This is not even remotely beauty related but I love having a hot water bottle when I'm feeling ill. I take this to bed with me and it definitely helps to soothe you if you haven't been sleeping. And I definitely need my beauty sleep.
 Also cuddles with puppies is very important. This is Sid.
Having an even smaller puppy like Lucy look up at me even when I look at my very worst also helps me on a sick day. 

I would like to quickly mention I am not a doctor of any kind and these things won't cure any illnesses! They are just little things that have helped me this past week!

I hope this has helped some of you during these cold, winter months! If you've been feeling under the weather I hope you get well soon, and hopefully I'll be back on track with makeovers by the end of the week!

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