Wednesday 4 December 2013

Beauty and Fashion Books I love!

I love visiting bookstores and I could look around for hours. When it comes to reading, mostly I read Harry Potter over and over again, beauty blogs and books on fashion. I'm not particularly fashionable, makeup is definitely my thing, fashion isn't always. However, I can't resist a glossy-paged, coffee table book full of magazine spreads, vintage fashion, careers in the fashion industry and how-to's for new ideas I might be too afraid to try. Here are my favourites, and the nice thing about a fashion book is that they are all beautiful to look at.
 Firstly... look how pretty just stacked on top of each other?!
 To begin I have Christian Dior's "The Little Dictionary of Fashion". I saw this three years ago in Florida and didn't buy it. I regretted it so much! Then when my Mum went this past year she picked it up for me and gave it to me for Christmas. I am so happy she did, it's a classic book full of fashions tips that will never go out of style. Plus did I mention Christian Dior wrote it?
 Just a little snippet of the beautiful things inside. I chose the letter "M" (obviously), and the vintage pictures are so pretty! There are little tips for each letter from A-Z!
 Next up is actually a novel. "Dreaming of Dior" by Charlotte Smith. It's a cute little story which I must re-read but what I love about it most is...
 A colourful picture on every single page of the book. And they are beautiful! Every page has a wonderful fashion sketch based on pieces mentioned in the story. The illustrations make the book such a lovely one, and it would make a great gift for any designers out there!
 I used to subscribe to Teen Vogue back in the day. I think to say I subscribed to any rendition of Vogue magazine made me happy, and this book they put together is actually a really great guide for any teens who want to get into the fashion industry. There are chapters for things such as photography, modelling, fashion etc. It's a really helpful book I continue to look over often.
 It's also very bright and full of photographs inside. I chose to snap a picture of this cute quote from Anna Wintour, something inspiring to read!
 This was another gift from my Mum and one I love! This is a perfect coffee table book, who wouldn't want to browse over vintage shoes for hours on end? It's beautiful from cover to cover and I'm a girl who can appreciate a good shoe. Also Christian Louboutin did the forward which gets a huge thumbs-up from me!
 I don't know what I like better, the giant tortoise or the shoes...
 I picked this Jemma Kidd "Make-Up Masterclass" last year at Toronto's IMATS. It's my only makeup book so far, but I've been eying up some of Bobbi Brown's too. This book has great step-by-step tutorials for natural everyday makeup to smoky evening looks! I think this is great for someone starting out with makeup to an artist who is looking for inspiration.
The pictures in this book are fabulous too.. big glossy pictures so you can get a very clear, detailed image of a look you're trying to create.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post, it's a little different from what I usually write about so I thought I'd try something new! Let me know of any fashion-related books you like so I can take a look!

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