Sunday 24 November 2013

Week Two- Clindets Acne Therapy

I thought I'd just write a quick update on how my treatment with Clindets Acne Therapy is going. I've reduced my usage to once per day, and I began with two but decided it was too drying for my skin, particularly around my jawline. Even with the treatment once every day my skin is still quite dry, and I think it has something to do with running out of my Vichy Aqualia Thermal Serum. The serum was excellent at keeping my skin hydrated and it's been added to my Christmas list so hopefully I'll have it soon enough to save my skin. Overall my skin is the most blemish free it's been since I was probably about 15 years old. It's much smoother and softer, and the acne is certainly disappearing. I have had a few minor breakouts but nothing compared to what I used to get, and I think they're mainly hormonal. I've been using oils on my skin to keep it as hydrated as possible and it's definitely helping. Although my skin is getting quite dry, I am going to continue using the Clindets wipes because the results have been incredible. For only 2 weeks use, I think it's going really well and I will continue to do weekly updates until the 12 weeks are up.
Thanks for reading, let me know if you have any questions.

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