Sunday 17 November 2013

Week 1 Using Clindets Acne Therapy

Hello everyone!

It's been one week since my start with Clindets Acne Therapy, and so far I've had really good results. My skin feels smoother, less bumpy, I've had less breakouts and I think the ones I have had are because this medicine is bringing all those yucky pimples up to the surface. Gross. Anyway, I really love this stuff. For only being on it for a week I can't rave about it too much just yet, but I think if things keep going as well as they are, using for 12 weeks will not be hard to do.

Last time I talked about this, (in this post here) I said that it was beginning to dry out my skin, and I certainly wasn't wrong. My skin on my jawline is getting especially patchy and peeling a bit, but it is the area of my face where I always have a breakout so I'm continuing to apply the product to that area. However, I have limited my use from twice to once every day. I use the Clindets wipes every evening and the dryness has certainly been reduced, while the results continue to improve.

I cannot talk about how much I love this product enough. It's only early days but I intend to do weekly/monthly posts on how the treatment is working. Of course everybody's skin is different, but for my skin type (dehydrated, acne prone and incredibly sensitive) I think it works very well.

Let me know if you've used any prescription acne treatment and what difference it made (or didn't) to your skin. Hope you're having a good weekend!

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