Saturday 16 November 2013

Review of Lancome Hypnose Star Mascara

I recently got a sample size of Lancome's Hypnose Star Mascara. I had heard good things about it, and the mascara want intrigued me. I already own Lancome's Hypnose Doll Lashes mascara and it too has an interesting wand, and to be honest I think the two are very similar.
 Here is the tube. It's a deluxe sample so it will still last a long time. It's 4ml compared to 6.5ml - realizing now that the full sizes are a bit too expensive. Annoyingly the text is on the brush half of the mascara so I almost always open it the wrong way. Kind of a design flaw in my opinion.
 This is the "brush on palm of hand" view. It shows how short the brush is (sample size, can't complain) but also that it is a perfect travel size and would most certainly last for a vacation period.
 Here is one side of the wand, the bristles aren't those plastic ones, they're proper old-school spider-like bristles.
 On the other side of the wand you can see how skinny the bristles are cut. I don't know why this is, but I assume this side is for lengthening and combing your lashes upwards, and the other side is to pile on the mascara itself, adding volume.
 Here are my open eyes after application.
 A downwards view of the length (note how it's quite clumpy)
And to finish off a close-up open eye shot

I think this mascara is okay. Like my other Lancome mascara I think the formula smells too strongly of roses (boyfriend mistook it for perfume once- and it was my mascara?!), also it takes a while, and lots of messing around, to achieve the lashes you want. I certainly wouldn't purchase the full size but I will use up the travel size. Overall the product wore pretty well, but you have to make sure you comb out any clumps because you'll find them on your cheeks later in the day. 

Hope you enjoyed my post- sorry I missed yesterday!
Have a good weekend!

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