Tuesday 19 November 2013

Manicure Monday Week 1

Hey everyone,
So it's not Monday, it's Tuesday, but yesterday I had an essay due and by the time I had realized I hadn't blogged it was already Tuesday. Luckily I have a blog post planned, and it will be posted weekly on a Monday, we're just starting late this time.
I've decided to post all of my manicures on here so you can see what I'm wearing, if I like it and which colours repeat themselves and are obviously my favourites.
Here are my manicures from this past week!
 Essie's "Mod Square". A perfect, bright pink I pulled out because when asking my boyfriend what shade I should paint my nails he said "I dunno, pink". And this is very obviously pink.
 This is Essie's "Trophy Wife", the colour I imagine mermaid nails would be. It's a wonderful deep greeny-blue and although it's quite summery I picked it up and couldn't resist.
Finally I have Essie's "Good as Gold" layered underneath "Licorice" for a more festive nail. It's sort of a backwards french manicure and I really like it. It was supposed to be neater but I don't have a super steady hand so I'm still practicing!

I imagine my nail colours will be getting increasingly more festive as Christmas comes, so I thought breaking out some bright colours for the last time this year was necessary. 
Let me know of any holiday nail art you're trying out!

1 comment:

  1. I love the "Licorice" shade!! Good manicure job! :)
