Tuesday 12 November 2013

Clindets Acne Therapy

Hey everyone,
So this past weekend I visited my doctor for a general check up and just as I was leaving he said "Do you want anything for your acne?" I was kind of surprised, thinking "I just got out of the shower, I know my face is red, is my acne really that bad?" Once I realized I shouldn't be offended and that he was just trying to help, I said "sure, what can I use?"

I've suffered with acne from about the age of 14. I almost always have a recent breakout, and the scarring left behind from previous breakouts definitely doesn't help with the redness of my face. I'm using a skincare routine that I actually really like at the moment, and although my skin was bad enough for my doctor to comment, I had actually been seeing a difference in how my skin was behaving. Anyway, at almost 20 years old I decided that I would take my doctors help and this is what he prescribed:

Clindets Topical Acne Therapy 
I've only used this for about 2 days but I wanted to do a beginning post and then follow up as I saw side-effects, results and any issues good or bad. I wasn't told whether or not to use them once or twice a day, and the pharmacist said maybe start with once a day. In my head I thought, yes, you have sensitive skin, once a day will be fine. Then I used it that night and in the morning the redness was instantly reduced on my face. So, naturally, I have used them twice a day since getting them.
The directions tell me to use them after gently washing your face, and I've been moisturizing and doing my morning/evening skincare routine after the acne wipes. This morning I woke up and although the acne seems to be going down and certainly seems less angry and irritated my skin was definitely drier.
The main ingredient is Clindamycin, an antibiotic. It is definitely drying, and I'm thinking if I just use lots of facial oil and moisturizers I should be okay, however, if my skin continues to look so dry I will reduce my use to once a day.

So far here are my pros and cons:
 - instantly reduced redness on acne
 - skin already feels smoother, less bumpy
 - very easy to use, easy to incorporate into your skincare routine
 - works well under makeup, haven't noticed any discolouration or evidence of the treatment underneath makeup.
- smells really bad. very alcohol-ish smell that makes you feel like your skin will melt under the wipe.
- dried out my skin a little bit, however I am still getting used to the product.
- burns a little upon application but I'm already noticing it less and less.

There you go!
Let me know if you have used any prescription acne treatments and what your thoughts are!

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