Monday 1 April 2013

Some pictures of recent makeovers!

So since the school year is almost ending, I've been spending a lot of time in residence and I haven't been home for a while. Because of this, I've been doing random makeovers on friends from my floor. Unfortunately, because most of my makeup is at home, I've been using repeat products and thought an in-depth step-by-step would be a bit unnecessary and repetitive. Instead, I thought I'd just post some pictures of my two latest makeovers.

Next week I will be heading home for study week, and I already have 3 (potentially 4) friends lined up for a makeover, so more makeovers will be posted, much more in depth and they will be different from the ones already on this blog. 

 This is Ayla before makeup

Ayla after makeup

Ayla's eye makeup (Smashbox Softbox Palette)

Brooke before makeup

Brooke's eye makeup (Smashbox Softbox eye palette)

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