Friday 17 July 2015

Travel Diaries: Paris, France

Hey everyone,

I'm writing this post to continue with my travel diaries from Reykjavik which seemed to go over really well, and lots of you read it which was really nice to see. I'm not a travel expert by any means, but I do love travelling and I think writing about it all gives me something nice to look back on. In my previous post, which you can read here, I left off by flying out of Keflavik airport at 1am. We arrived in Paris at 6am, feeling like 4am Iceland time.

 We stayed in a very Parisian feeling one room apartment found on Air Bnb. The landlord was fantastic and the place was great. This was our view from the big french windows which I loved! We arrived super early and luckily we could get into the apartment right away. We napped for a few hours and then began exploring the city.

One of our first stops was the Eiffel Tower. We actually the best view from furthest away in a little park directly facing the tower, but we wanted to see it up close. It's quite overwhelming for quite a small landmark, but because there aren't any skyscrapers or buildings taller than the tower in Paris, it has quite an effect.

 The lightbulbs in our apartment were orange, so you'll have to excuse this picture. I later stopped at a pharmacie and had a mega skincare haul. I'll write some reviews soon, usually I like to wait on skincare to really give it a good try. Anyway, the gentleman working there was incredibly professional and lovely to talk to, and he gave me loads of samples- perfect for my next trip!

That night we met with some friends, Andrew and Jess (who was also featured in my Chicago post!). We walked over to Notre Dame, before leaving because there were rats on the street and also because there was a jazz bar/ex-torture chamber calling our name. After a few too many we sat on the patio of a typical French restaurant and ate a plate of crepes. Not a bad day at all.

 The next morning we met with Andrew, Jess and our friend Geoff, who was studying in Paris at the time. He gave us a walking tour of the city and we decided to look at most things from the outside and didn't visit any museums since our trip was so short. We had a picnic featuring baguettes and cheese at Luxembourg gardens and then separated for suppertime before reuniting at our apartment for the evening. 

We all had drinks at our apartment, and it was really nice to be reunited with some of our best friends. We drank Icelandic vodka and played games, the whole time I said "we must see the Eiffel Tower lit up at night!". We had decided to leave for midnight, but lost track of time. Luckily, Jess came running out of the bathroom saying "It's 11:50!" so we ran down the streets and turned the corner to see this. It was breathtaking and beautiful, and we bought two cheap bottles of champagne and sat around having the best time on our last night in Paris. We stayed until the lights turned off at 1am and wandered back and separated for the night, ready to reunite for a hungover breakfast at a cafe by our house. 

The next morning we drank tea and coffee, while Geoff auctioned off his textbooks to us by describing them and hoping we'd bring them back to Canada for him. I didn't eat much, but what I did have was delicious and then we parted ways and headed to the Eurostar headed for London.

I hope you enjoyed another Travel Diaries post. I love having these to look back on and I hope you enjoy reading it!



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