Wednesday 21 May 2014

My Rambling View on Makeup

Hey everyone,

I just stumbled upon a video featuring Amy Poehler, one of my favourite actresses and comedians. She has her own channel named "Amy Poehler's Smart Girls" and after watching two videos regarding body image and makeup I thought I'd just write a little post to address anyone who reads my blog. 

Firstly to clear up any misconceptions you have about me:

1) I do not wear makeup on a daily basis
2) I do not think it is necessary to wear makeup no matter the occasion
3) I do think makeup helps my self-confidence, but I don't think it should

 I've linked Amy's video above so I hope you take the time to check out her channel. It is directed towards girls, but I think it is equally as important for any males to watch, either because you need advice in the same topic or maybe you want to understand some females you know a bit better. And a bit of a disclaimer: I don't really agree with her point that "guys don't like lots of makeup on girls anyway" because a) a lot of men do prefer that and b) who cares? It really shouldn't be important anyway. 

I think if anybody (male or female) chooses to wear makeup for a boosted self-esteem then go for it. My blog is aimed to show you how I choose to wear makeup, makeup products I like, and products I would recommend. It is not a definitive way to apply makeup, you are not required to purchase any product I use to recreate a look and I'm not doing it to show off my face to the world. I love makeup because I think it's very artistic, I enjoy the process of getting ready much more than going to an event itself, and if any of the looks inspire you to try something new and different, or encourage you to step out of your comfort zone then I'm happy. 

I realized I've never really addressed anything like this before and I thought it was about time.

Thanks for reading!
Have a great day!

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