Sunday 8 December 2013

Week 4- Clindets Acne Therapy

So it's been a full month since I started using Clindets Acne Therapy. My skin was back to its usual red, blemished skin at the start of this week and I was wondering why. I've narrowed it down to a few options... stress, hormones, sickness or the new Rimmel London foundation I love. It's now Sunday and I haven't used the foundation since Wednesday and I can say I my skin is already better. I'm not certain it was the foundation and I love it so much I'm going to keep using it but I know that with my luck it would be the perfect $5 foundation that's making my acne worse. Ah I love it so much though! I do think sickness could also be a contributing factor. My skin was very dry from all the nose-blowing, plus when you're sick your skin will never look great, and mine certainly didn't! Now that I'm (hopefully) reaching the end of this cold I'm hoping my skin will improve. I've also been drinking litres of water everyday to try and combat the dryness and dullness. Overall my skin is back to looking pretty good, I'm heading back to university tomorrow for exams so although I'll be stressed I'm sure I'll be back into my regular routine. I've tried to create a good setup for my home so that when I return for Christmas I can keep my skincare regime the same. I've noticed that a lot of the markings on my skin aren't actual breakouts but the scarring from previous acne so I think I'll look out for a treatment that will help fix the hyper pigmentation I have at the moment. For now I'm going to continue my skincare routine and drinking lots of water and I'll update you again for week five!
Thanks for reading!

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