Wednesday 27 November 2013

My Bedtime Skincare Routine

So since I've written a Morning Skincare Routine (which you can find here), I thought it was about time I did a bedtime version. My bedtime version varies a lot, it is really dependent on how my skin is acting that day. Lately my jawline has been dry because of acne and the Clindets acne treatment I'm currently using. I've been having some breakouts which I am self-diagnosing as both hormonal and stress related, as it is almost exam time and I'm a mess. I've been trying to use richer products in my skincare routine, but currently I am serum-less, so I don't have that extra step to help boost my moisture levels. Some nights I use an oil or an overnight mask, but I thought I'd keep it simple and to the point for my everyday steps.
 The before shot. Note the exhaustion and frizziness of my hair, I was rained on after class tonight.
 Firstly I tie my hair out of my face into a ponytail and although I added a thin hairband here, usually I use a huge chunky one that ensures my hair never gets wet from facewashing. For photo purposes I used a skinny headband today.
 I know this looks like a funny step to photograph, but I ALWAYS brush my teeth before taking my makeup off or washing my face. The old wives tale of putting toothpaste on a pimple is a nasty one. Toothpaste is incredibly drying on skin, and I want to make sure I wash off any toothpaste remains before my skincare routine begins.
 Up next is my favourite Clinique Cleansing Balm. I use this twice daily. I scoop out a little bit (more than I would use in the mornings) and pop it all over my face to make sure it'll melt and spread evenly around my face.
 This is the result. Makeup off- residue everywhere. I realize during this step I look like the Joker, but I have to be honest with you and add it in. It looks messy, but my skin feels amazing.
 I wet a washcloth under warm (not hot) water. I like to use a washcloth because when I'm using such a gentle cleaner the washcloth acts as an exfoliant- without being too abrasive.
 After washing the cleaner off you can see the wonderful redness that lies beneath. My eyebrows look nice and unruly after the cleanse, and this is an all round unflattering picture. But for the sake of this blog I will include it.
 Next up is my Clindets Acne Treatment, a product I've been using for the past 2 and a half weeks. For further information I have a few updates you can see on the sidebar on my homepage.
 I sweep this treatment all over my face, being sure to avoid the eye area. It has an obvious alcohol smell and burns if you get it too close to your eyes.
 Next I use Hydraluron, a hyaluronic serum that helps your moisturizer to work better.
  I apply about a pea size amount for my whole face.
 I then use Benefit's Total Moisture Hydrating Cream, a nice thick cream I did a post about here.
 I put this all over my face, and use quite a lot, to keep my skin hydrated all night.
 After rubbing in my moisturizer I use Bobbi Browns Hydrating Eye Cream.
 I dot this all around my eye socket and use my ring finger to pat it into my skin, very gently.
Once it's all done I put on a lipbalm, make some tea and get into bed. Excuse my eyebrows, I'm trying to grow them out so they'll maybe look less sparse. They look quite unruly here, but I'm working on it.
I hope you're all having a good week!

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