Monday 25 November 2013

Benefit's Total Moisture Day Cream

I thought I'd just write a quick review on a product I've been loving lately. I've had this moisturizer since August, and I know for skin products it's a good idea to test it for a while before writing up a whole review. This moisturizer comes in the cutest packaging which definitely helped sell me. It's a thick day cream which is quite sticky and needs to sink into your skin for a while before makeup application. At first I didn't like this moisturizer because I'm used to a gel formula, or something that's lighter on my skin. The consistency and smell reminds me of Estee Lauder Day Wear moisturizer which my Mum always used to use, and I always used to borrow. After getting over the sticky consistency I really like this moisturizing cream, I think once it has settled into the skin it is a great base for makeup and I use it as nighttime as well. I apply a thick layer and rub it in at nighttime and when I wake up I find my skin is much more radiant and considerably softer than before. For a cosmetics brand I am thoroughly impressed with this moisturizer and I'm intrigued about other products they have in their skincare line. Benefit always impresses me with the products they come out with... and their packaging is so cute, everything they make would be great gifts for friends and family.

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