Sunday 1 January 2017


Hey everyone,

It's been a very long time since I've posted, and I frequently look at my Blogger tab and feel guilty about abandoning this blog. 2016 wasn't the best year, but I had some great times with friends and family and I have high hopes for the New Year.

I still love makeup and skincare, but I've found myself scaling back on the products I purchase or use, and I've lessened my makeup stash significantly, keeping only the essentials or products I truly love. I find it quite hard to write about new products if they're repurchases and I thought people would be much less interested, but I think in 2017 I'm going to spend some time writing about a wider array of topics, maybe about places I go and things I do, I'm getting back into doodling and art so perhaps I could post things related to that, but I intend to still share makeup related posts as well. As I'm getting a bit older I'm noticing my interests shifting to more lifestyle and social posts, and I almost want to use the blog as an online diary of things I'm up to, I hope that works for all of you guys reading!

I hope you all have a happy, healthy new year, and I look forward to keeping the blog updated!
